


在不锈钢表面防氚渗透涂层方面:利用双辉等离子渗技术及等离子氧化技术研究了不锈钢表面Al2O3/SiC涂层、Cr2O3涂层、(Al, Cr)2O3涂层生长机理;探索了在低温(580℃)下制备高含量α-Al2O3涂层。





(1) 相关科研项目

[1] 国家自然科学基金(51671105):铝合金多级结构表面超微小液滴的结晶行为及防覆冰机理研究(在研)

[2] 国家博士后创新人才支持计划(BX201600073)防冰表面的可控多级结构设计与制备技术及其防覆冰行为研究(在研)

[3] 国家自然科学基金(50571045):不锈钢表面制备Al2O3/SiC防氚渗透陶瓷及其阻氚机理研究(已结题)

[4] 江苏省研究生培养创新工程(CX08B_059Z):双辉多元共渗制备氧化物阻氚涂层(已结题)

[5] 国家自然科学基金(51071086):高含量α-Al2O3阻氚涂层低温制备过程中稳态相择优形成规律的研究(在研)

[6] 江苏省博士生创新基金项目:316/Al复合管冷成形及阻氚渗透涂层研究,项目编号:CX09B_077Z(已结题)


(2) 相关著作

陶杰, 徐江, 李鸣, 刘红兵, 核能用合金管件的冷加工成型与防氚渗透涂层技术, 北京:原子能出版社, 2009, 10.


(3) 相关专利

[1] 沈一洲;江家威;陶杰;侯文卿;贾振峰,一种具有高效空气减阻功能的仿沙丘微结构及其优化设计方法,专利号:ZL 201910070665.2,授权公告日:20200508

[2] 沈一洲;陶杰;贾振峰;朱春玲;江家威;吴正维,一种具有防覆冰功能的聚合物材料及其一体化成型方法,专利号:ZL 201910074105.4,授权公告日:20200414

[3] 沈一洲;陶杰;侯文卿;江家威;贾振峰,一种冰粘附法向力测试方法及装置,专利号:ZL 201910085956.9,授权公告日:20200417

[4] 沈一洲;陶杰;卢阳;贾振峰;吴正维;江家威;许杨江山,一种具有球面特征阵列微结构的金属基体及其构建方法,专利号:ZL 201811352335.4,授权公告日:20200421

[5] 沈一洲;陶杰;朱春玲;谢月涵;徐杰,树脂基复合材料表面制备超疏水微结构防覆冰表面的方法,专利号:ZL 201711328539.X ,授权公告日:20190813

[6] 沈一洲;陶杰;刘森云;朱春玲,一步法制备黑色氧化钛/氧化铝复合陶瓷涂层的方法,专利号:ZL 201611037630.1,授权公告日:20181019

[7] 沈一洲;刘森云;朱春玲;陶杰,一种本征超疏水陶瓷涂层及其制备方法, 专利号:ZL 201611037634.X ,授权公告日:20180116

[8] 陶杰;陈善龙;陶海军;沈一洲;曾小飞;蒋佳佳;朱露敏,可见光响应的黑色二氧化钛纳米薄膜的制备方法及应用,专利号:ZL 201410070916.4,授权公告日:20160817

[9] 陶杰;陈善龙;陶海军;沈一洲;朱露敏;曾小飞;蒋佳佳,单晶亚微米级Cu2ZnSnS4颗粒的高温溶剂热制备方法及应用,专利号:ZL 201410426610.8,授权公告日:20170118

[10] 陶杰;黄镇东;汪涛,钛或钛合金用阻氢或多或少氢同位素渗透玻璃质壁垒层及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 200710191962.X,授权公告日:20090826

[11] 陶杰;刘红兵;徐江,在铝材表面获得高含量α-Al2O3涂层的制备方法,专利号:ZL 200810024868.X,授权公告日:20090826

[12] 陶杰;黄镇东;汪涛,不锈钢用阻氢或氢同位素渗透玻璃质壁垒层及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 200710191961.5,授权公告日:20100203

[13] 陶杰;黄镇东;汪涛,钛或钛合金用阻氢渗透的自剥落玻璃质涂层及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 200710191963.4,授权公告日:20100203

[14] 陶杰;徐江;刘红兵,在钢/铝复合管材表面制备α-Al2O3涂层的等离子氧化装置,专利号:ZL 200810024848.2,授权公告日:20101110

[15] 陈照峰;陶杰;徐重,一种碳材料抗氧化用钨/铱复合涂层及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 200610041120.1,授权公告日:20081112


(4) 相关论文

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[2] Hou Wenqing, Shen Yizhou, Tao Jie*, Xu Yangjiangshan, Jiang Jiawei, Chen Haifeng, Jia Zhenfeng. Anti-icing performance of the superhydrophobic surface with micro-cubic array structures fabricated by plasma etching. Colloids and Surfaces A. 2019, 586: 124180.

[3] Shen Yizhou*, Xie Xinyu, Xie Yuehan, Tao Jie*, Jiang Jiawei, Chen Haifeng, Lu Yang, Xu Yangjiangshan. Statistically understanding roles of nanostructure features in interfacial ice nucleation for enhancing the icing delay performance. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21: 19785-19794.

[4] Shen Yizhou*, Jin Mingming, Wu Xinghua, Tao Jie*, Luo Xinyi, Chen Haifeng, Lu Yang, Xie Yuehan. Understanding the frosting and defrosting mechanism on the superhydrophobic surfaces with hierarchical structures for enhancing anti-frosting performance. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 156: 111-118.

[5] Shen Yizhou, Wu Xinghua, Tao Jie*, Zhu Chunling, Lai Yuekun, Chen Zhong. Icephobic materials: fundamentals, performance evaluation, and applications. Progress in Materials Science, 2019, 103: 509-577.

[6] Shen Yizhou*, Wu Yu, Tao Jie*, Zhu Chunling, Chen Haifeng, Wu Zhengwei, Xie Yuehan. Spraying fabrication of durable and transparent coatings for anti-icing application: dynamic water repellency, icing delay, and ice adhesion. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11: 3590-3598.

[7] Shen Yizhou*, Xie Yuehan, Tao Jie*, Chen Haifeng, Zhu Chunling, Jin Mingming, Lu Yang. Rationally design nanostructure features on superhydrophobic surfaces for enhancing self-propelling dynamics of condensed droplets. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7: 2702-2708.

[8] Xie Yuehan, Shen Yizhou, Tao Jie*, Jin Mingming, Chen Haifeng, Wu Yu, Hou Wenqing. Rational fabrication of superhydrophobic nanocone surface for dynamic water repellency and anti-icing potential. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2019, 16: 27-37.

[9] Yizhou Shen, Jie Tao, Haijun Tao, Shanlong Chen, Lei Pan, Tao Wang. Approaching the theoretical contact time of a bouncing droplet on the rational macrostructured superhydrophobic surfaces [J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 107: 111604.

[10] Yizhou Shen, Jie Tao, Haijun Tao, Shanlong Chen, Lei Pan, Tao Wang. Anti-icing potential of superhydrophobic Ti6Al4V surfaces: ice nucleation and growth [J]. Langmuir, 2015, 31: 10799-10806.

[11] Yizhou Shen, Jie Tao, Haijun Tao, Shanlong Chen, Lei Pan, Tao Wang. Response to "Comment on 'Approaching the theoretical contact time of a bouncing droplet on the rational macrostructured superhydrophobic surfaces'". Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 108: 016101.

[12] Yizhou Shen, Jie Tao, Haijun Tao, Shanlong Chen, Lei Pan, Tao Wang. Relationship between wetting hysteresis and contact time of a bouncing droplet on hydrophobic surfaces [J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7: 20972-20978.

[13] Yizhou Shen, Jie Tao, Haijun Tao, Shanlong Chen, Lei Pan, Tao Wang. Nanostructures in Superhydrophobic Ti6Al4V Hierarchical Surfaces Control Wetting State Transitions [J]. Soft Matter, 2015, 11, 3806-3811. (2015's most accessed soft Matter articles, Top 20)

[14] Yizhou Shen, Jie Tao, Haijun Tao, Shanlong Chen, Lei Pan, Tao Wang. Superhydrophobic Ti6Al4V surfaces with regular array patterns for anti-icing applications [J]. RSC Advances, 2015, 5: 32813-32818.

[15] Yizhou Shen, Haijun Tao, Shanlong Chen, Lumin Zhu, Tao Wang, Jie Tao. Icephobic/anti-icing potential of superhydrophobic Ti6Al4V surfaces with hierarchical textures [J]. RSC Advances, 2015, 5: 1666-1672.

[16] Yizhou Shen, Haijun Tao, Shanlong Chen, Yuejun Xie, Tao Zhou, Tao Wang, Jie Tao. Water repellency of hierarchical superhydrophobic Ti6Al4V surfaces improved by secondary nanostructures [J]. Applied Surface Science, 2014, 321: 469-474.

[17] Yizhou Shen, Huaguan Li, Haijun Tao, Juan Ling, Tao Wang, Jie Tao. Effect of anodic films on corrosion resistance and fatigue crack initiator of 2060-T8 Al-Li alloy [J]. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2015, 10: 938-946.

[18] Yizhou Shen, Xunzhong Guo, Yuebin Lin, Jie Tao. Al2O3 coatings fabricated on stainless steel-aluminium composites by microarc oxidation [J]. Surface Engineering, 2014, 30 (10): 735-740.

[19] Yizhou Shen, Haijun Tao, Yuebin Lin, Xiaofei Zeng, Tao Wang, Jie Tao, Lei Pan. Fabrication and wear resistance of TiO2/Al2O3 coatings by micro-arc oxidation [J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, Accepted.

[20] 沈一洲, 汤文馨, 陶海军, 陈善龙, 汪涛, 陶杰. 喷砂阳极氧化法构建分形超疏水Ti6Al4V表面及性能研究[J].功能材料, 2015, 46: 18001-18004.

[21] Wang Chen, Tao Jie, Lin Yuebin, et al., Characterization of Al2O3 Coatings Oxidized from Al with Different Proportion of Seed Crystals at a Lower Temperature[J]. Applied Surface Science. 2013, 283: 87-93.

[22] Lin Yuebin, Wang Chen, Tao Jie. Induction effect of α-Al2O3 seeds on formation of alumina coatings prepared by double glow plasma technique[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2013, 235: 544-551.

[23] Wang Chen, Tao Jie, Lin Yuebin, Preparation and Characterization of Al2O3 Reinforced Fe-Al Composite Coatings by Double Cathodes Discharge Technique[J]. Surface Engineering, 2013, 29 (8): 572-579.

[24] Wang Chen, Chen Tengfei, Tao Jie, Pure Al coatings prepared by arc-added glow plasma depositing technique and subsequence plasma oxidation[J]. Advanced Materials Research. 2013, 721: 342-345.

[25] Liu Hongbing, Tao Jie, Xu Jiang, Chen Zhaofeng, Luo Xinyi. Microstructure and mechanical properties of alumina coatings prepared by double glow plasma technique[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2010, 256 (20):5939-5945.

[26] Liu Hongbing, Tao Jie, Xu Jiang, et al., Corrosion and tribological behaviors of chromium oxide coatings prepared by the glow-discharge plasma technique[J]. Surface & Coatings Technology. 2009, 204: 28-36.

[27] Liu Hongbing, Tao Jie, Xu Jiang, et al., Al Si oxide coating as tritium penetration barrier on316L stainless steel prepared by a combined process[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2009, 59: 76-81.

[28] Liu Hongbing, Tao Jie, Yoann Gautreau, et al., Simulation of thermal stresses in SiC-Al2O3 composite tritium penetration barrier by finite element analysis[J]. Materials and Design. 2009,30: 2785-2790.

[29] Liu Hongbing, Tao Jie, Xu Jiang, et al., Microstructure characterization of oxidation of aluminized coating prepared by a combined process[J]. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2008, 378: 134-138.

[30] Liu Hongbing, Tao Jie, Zhang Pingze, Xu Jiang. Modeling of Residual Stresses in Functionally Gradient Al2O3 Coating on 316L Substrate[J]. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2008, 5(8):1677-1680

[31] Liu Hongbing, Tao Jie, Xu Jiang, Sun Xianjun. E-MRS 2008 Spring Meeting.Strasbourg (France): European materials research society, 2008.

[32] Liu Hongbing, Tao Jie, Xu Jiang, Chen Zhaofeng, Sun Xianjun, 1st International Conference on New Materials for Extreme Environments, San Sebastián (Spanish): New Materials for Extreme Environments, 2008.

[33] Wang Yue-qin, Tao Jie, Wang Ling, He Pingting, Wang Tao. HA coating on titanium with nanotubular anodized TiO2 intermediate layer via electrochemical deposition[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2008, 18: 631-635.

[34] 郭训忠,陶杰,汪涛,唐巧生. 复杂形状钛管件内表面氧化铝涂层综合制备新工艺研究[J].中国机械工程, 2011, 22(20): 2498-2502.

[35] 陶杰,黄镇东,刘红兵,. 钛基合金抗高温氧化搪瓷涂层制备及性能表征[J]. 南京航空航天大学学报, 2010, 42(4): 505-509

[36] 尹磊,陶杰,苏新清,刘红兵,徐江. 双层辉光离子渗金属技术制备Al-Cr-Si氧化物阻氚涂层核技术 2010, 33(10): 765-770.

[37] 陶杰, 黄镇东, 陈照峰, 汪涛. 316L不锈钢阻氢或氢同位素渗透搪瓷壁垒层的制备及性能研究[J]. 核科学与工程, 2008, 28(4): 347-353.

[38] 刘红兵, 陶杰, 张平则, 常华. 316L不锈钢基材功能梯度Al涂层残余热应力分析,核技术,2008, 31(2): 105-110.

[39] 刘红兵, 陶杰, 张平则, 常华. 功能梯度Al2O3涂层残余热应力分析,机械工程学报,2008, 44(8): 26-32.

[40] 高强, 陶杰, 骆心怡, 刘红兵, 李转利, 徐江. 316L不锈钢表面双层辉光离子渗金属技术制备Cr2O3涂层,原子能科学技术,2008, 42(S1): 212-216.

[41] 李转利, 陶杰, 刘红兵, 高强, 徐江, 骆心怡. 316L不锈钢表面双层辉光离子渗金属技术制备Al2O3涂层,原子能科学技术,2008, 42(S1): 217-223.

[42] 陶杰, 承涵, 陈昭峰, 方聃, 张颖. 聚碳硅烷复合涂层抗激光烧蚀研究[J]. 宇航材料工艺, 2008, 2: 93-96.

[43] 庞迎春, 陶杰, 张艳, 王炜. 钛合金表面多孔TiO2制备及涂层结合强度改进[J]. 南京航空航天大学学报, 2007, 39(5): 665-669.

[44] 刘红兵, 陶杰, 张平则, 常华. 316L不锈钢基材防氚渗透Al2O3涂层残余热应力分析[J]. 核科学与工程, 2007, 27(2), 126-132.

[45] 庞迎春, 陶杰, 张舒, 王玲, 陶海军. 纯钛基材上环氧基涂层界面结合强度的研究[J]. 兵器材料科学与工程, 2007, 30(1): 59-62.

[46] 刘红兵, 陶杰, 张平则, 徐江. 防氚渗透涂层制备技术的研究进展[J]. 材料导报, 2006, 20(9): 47-50.

[47] 章媛媛, 陶杰, 庞迎春, , . 钛基材上用电化学沉积法制备HA涂层的研究[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2006, 35(3): 459-462.

[48] 王月勤, 陶杰. 模拟体液中二氧化钛纳米管上沉积磷灰石生物医学工程学杂志. 2008, 25(6): 1354-1357.

[49]王月勤,陶杰. 钛基材上电化学沉积羟基磷灰石[J]. 中国表面工程, 2006, 19(6): 47-50.

[50]王月勤, 陶杰,孙涛,王玲,何娉婷. 钛基材上羟基磷灰石生物活性研究[J]. 南京航空航天大学学报, 2007, 39(5): 659-664.

南京航空航天大学材料学院陶杰课题组 版权所有 All Rights Reserved. Copyright@2010
江苏省南京市将军路29号南京航空航天大学将军路校区 邮编:211100