       发布时间:2013/06/19 05:32:29



受我组陶杰教授邀请,美国福特公司研发中心的马修-扎鲁萨克博士(Dr. Matthew J. Zaluzec)620日来我组做一场学术报告。活动将在当天下午2:30,材料楼301会议室进行,报告题为《Light Weighting the Ford Focus......Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow》。请组内师生准时参加,欢迎感兴趣的同学和老师前来一起交流。
Dr. Matthew毕业于美国伊利诺伊大学,长期从事汽车材料研发工作,获得了38项美国专利,110项全球专利,发表了75篇研究论文。现担任福特汽车公司全球材料与制造研究中心高级主管、美国矿物-金属-材料学会(TMS)成员、美国汽车研究联合会(USCAR)技术委员会主席及材料组组长、美国先进材料及工艺协会(USAMP)主席等职。
The 2013 Ford Focus(Modeo) is the latest addition to the Ford Family of light weight fuel efficient vehicles produced on a global scale byFord Motor Company. Dr. Matthew J. Zaluzec will give a detail overview of the design of the 2013 Ford Focus, comparing it to the previous model, highlighting the use of advanced high strength steel in its design. As Ford looks to go further in light weighting vehicles in the future, this presentation will also present design concepts for a 25% lighter weight Ford Fusion using a mixed materials approach, incorporating advanced lightweight materials such as steel, aluminum, magnesium and plastics to deliver the weight saving targets.


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