       发布时间:2013/05/20 09:32:52




1.      M. Gong, A. Kirkeminde, Y. Xie, R. Lu, J. Liu, J. Wu, Shenqiang Ren*, "Iron Pyrite (FeS2) Broad Spectral and Magnetically Responsive Photodetectors", Advanced Optical Materials, 10.1002/adom.201200003 (2012). Featured on the cover for Advanced Optical Materials.

2.      J. Lohrman, Y. Liu, X. Duan, X. Zhao, M. Wuttig and S.Q. Ren*, “All Conjugated Copolymer Excitonic Multiferroics”, Adv. Mater. ASAP (2012).

3.      R. Lu, C. Christianson, A. Kirkeminde, S.Q. Ren, J. Wu, “Extraordinary Photocurrent Harvsting at Type-II Heterojunction Interfaces: Towards High Detectivity Carbon Nanotube Infrared Detectors”, Nano Letters, ASAP, (2012).

4.      B. Ruzicka, R. Wang, J. Lohrman, S. Q. Ren*, H. Zhao, “Exciton diffusion in semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes studied by transient absorption microscopy”, Physical Review B. (2012).

5.      A. Kirkeminde and S. Q. Ren*, “Thermodynamic Control of Iron Pyrite Nanocrystal Synthesis with High Photoactivity and Stability”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, DOI: 10.1039/c2TA00498D, (2012).

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