       发布时间:2011/08/03 10:00:00





主持国家自然科学基金(面上)、上海市浦江人才计划、教育部博士点基金、回国人员留学基金、国际合作项目(中日)等。作为骨干参与华东理工大学卓越计划,教育部创新团队等项目。已在Adv. Mater., Small, Chem. Commun. J. Phys. Chem. Lett.等杂志上发表论文36, 论文被引用611(截止2011.01.12), H因子为12



[1] Jinlou Gu, Shasha Su, Yongsheng Li, Qianjun He, Jianlin Shi, “Hydrophilic Mesoporous Carbon Nanoparticles as Carriers of Hydrophobic Anti-cancer Drugs for Sustained Release”, Chemical Communications, 2011, 2101-2103.

[2] Jinlou Gu, Shasha Su, Yongsheng Li, Qianjun He, Jiaying Zhong, Jianlin Shi, “Modification-Complexation Strategy for Cisplatin Loading in Mesoporous Nanoparticles”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2010,1,3446-3450.

[3] Jinlou Gu, Yongsheng Li, Wei Li, Jianlin Shi, Ultrafast nonlinear optical response of Ag nanoparticles embedded in mesoporous thin films, Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2009, 35, 807-816.

[4] Jinlou Gu, Wei Fan, Yukio Yamakuchi, Tatsuya Okubo, Microwave induced synthesis of highly dispersed gold nanoparticles within the pore channels of esoporous silica, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2008, 181,957-963.

[5] Jinlou Gu, Wei Fan, Atsushi Shimojima, Tastuya Okubo, Organic-inorganic mesoporous nanocarriers with biogenic ligands, Small, 2007, 3, 1740-1744.

[6] Jinlou Gu, Liangming Xiong, Jianlin Shi, zile Hua, Linxia Zhang, Lei Li: Thioether moiety functionalization of mesoporous silica films for the encapsulation of highly dispersed gold nanoparticles, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2006, 179, 1060-1066.

[7] Jinlou Gu, Xiaoping Dong, Hangrong Chen, Jianlin Shi, Direct observation of mesostructure between the pore channels of the mesoporous films, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 2007, 165, 563-567.

[8] Jinlou Gu, Jianlin Shi, Guanjun You, Liang ming Xiong, Shixiong Qian, Zile Hua, Hangrong Chen: A facile strategy to incorporate highly dispersed gold nanoparticles into the pore channels of mesoporous silica thin films and its ultrafast nonlinear optical response, Advanced Materials, 2005, 17, 557-560.

[9]Wenru Zhao, Jinlou Gu, Lingxia Zhang, Hangrong Chen, Jianlin Shi: Fabrication of uniform magnetic nanocomposite spheres with a magnetic core/mesoporous silica shell structure, Journal of American Chemical Society, 2005, 127, 8916-8917.

[10] Jinlou Gu, Jianlin Shi, Liangming Xiong, Hangrong Chen, and Meilin Ruan: A new strategy to incorporate highly dispersed nanoparticles into the pore channels of mesoporous silica thin films, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2004, 74, 199-204.

[11] Jinlou Gu, Jianlin Shi, Hangrong Chen, Liangming Xiong, Weihua Shen, and Meilin Ruan: Periodic pulse electrodeposition to synthesize ultra-high density CdS nanowire arrays templated by SBA-15 mesoporous films, Chemistry Letter, 2004, 33, 828-829.

[12] Jinlou Gu, Jianlin Shi, Liangming Xiong, Hangrong Chen, and Meilin Ruan: A new strategy to incorporate high density gold nanowires into the channels of mesoporous silica thin films by electroless deposition, Solid State Science, 2004, 6, 747-752.

[13] Jinlou Gu, Jianlin Shi, Zile Hua, Liangming Xiong, Lingxia Zhang, Lei Li: Highly dispersed gold nanowires within the pore channels of mesoporous silica thin films prepared from organic-inorganic hybrid films functionalized with basic organosilane, Chemistry Letter, 2005, 34, 114-115.

[14] Jinlou Gu, Jianlin Shi, Liangming Xiong, An electroless deposition route to synthesise high density palladium nanowires: Chemical Journal of Chinese Univerisity, 2004, 25, 1986-1989.

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