       发布时间:2010/09/26 05:08:55


地址:Room 6148, Academic Building
Fintex-HKUST R&D center
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon,Hong Kong
电话:(+852) 2358-5841(O); (+852) 5313-9897(M);
博士研究生 (2008.9-present) 新能源纳米材料   指导老师: Professor Jang-kyo KIM
香港科技大学机械工程系纳米技术方向,Fintex & 科大联合研发中心
硕士研究生 (2005.9-2008.4) 材料学    指导老师: 陶杰教授
1. 高性能动力储能设备用纳米结构活性材料和纳米结构电极的新型制备方法及性能表征
a 锂离子电池相关纳米结构材料的制备与表征
[1]X.M. Liu, Z.D. Huang, S.W. Oh, P. C. Ma, P.C.H. Chan, G. Kumar, K. Kang, J.K. Kim, Sol-gel synthesis of multiwalled carbon nanotube-LiMn2O4 nanocomposites as cathode materials of Li-ion batteries, J. Power Sources. 195 (2010) 4290–4296.
[2] X.M. Liu, Z.D. Huang, S.W. Oh, P. C. Ma, J. Ma, B.H. Li, J.K. Kim, Hydrothermal Synthesis of Layered Sodium Manganese Oxide Nanowires and Their Electrochemical Performance, J. NanoSci. Nanotechnol. 10 (2010) 7378-7381.
[3] Z.D. Huang, X.M. Liu, B. Zhang, S.W. Oh, S.K. WongP. C. Ma and J.K. Kim. LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 with novel 1D nanoporous structure: high power cathode material for rechargeable Li ion batteries, Scripta Materialia 64 (2011) 122–125.
[4] Z.D. Huang, X.M. Liu, S.W. Oh, B. Zhang, P. C. Ma and J.K. Kim. Microscopically porous, interconnected single crystal LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 cathode material for Lithium ion batteries, J. Mater. Chem.2011, DOI:10.1039/C1JM00059D.
[5] B. Zhang, Z.D. Huang, S.W. Oh, and J.K. Kim. Enhanced electrochemical performance of carbon coated Li3.9Sn0.1Ti5O12 porous electrode for Li-ion battery. J. Power Sources, Under review.
[6] 高性能LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2/LiFePO4纳米核壳复合正极材料的制备及表征 (Z.D. Huang, et al. In progress)
b 高性能石墨烯-碳纳米管基纳米结构电极的制备及其在动力锂离子电池和超级电容器
[7] Z.D. Huang, B. Zhang, Q. B. Zheng, S. W. Oh, X. Y Lin, N. Yousefi and J. K. KIM. Super-capacitive behavior of flexible graphene -carbon nanotube sandwich paper. Under preparation.
[8] B. Zhang, Q. B. Zheng, Z.D. Huang, S.W. Oh, and J.K. Kim. SnO2-graphene-carbon nanotube composites for anode material with enhanced rate capacities. Carbon. In press.
c 新型低成本超大石墨烯基复合纸的大规模制备工艺(顺利进展中)
应用前景: *高性能锂离子电池及超级电容器;石墨烯纸增强高性能复合材料——新一代航空航天
[1] 氢和氢同位素渗透壁垒层的研究进展 (黄镇东,陶杰,汪涛,金属热处理, 32(2007)1-5.)
[2] 搪瓷涂层对316L不锈钢表面润湿性的研究 (黄镇东,陶杰,汪涛,功能材料, 3820071666-1668.)
[3] 316L不锈钢阻氢或氢同位素渗透搪瓷壁垒层的制备及性能研究 (陶杰,黄镇东,等,核科学与
[4] 钛基合金抗高温氧化搪瓷涂层制备及性能表征 (陶杰,黄镇东,等,南京航空航天大学学报,422010505-509.)
[5] Properties of hydrogen permeation enamel barrier for stainless steel (J. TaoZ.D. Huang, et al6th Asian-Australasian Conference of Composite Materials, 2008.9)
[6] Preparation and characterization of hydrogen and its isotopes permeation enamel barrier for pure
titanium TA1 (J. TaoZ.D. Huang, et alJournal of Nuclear Materials, under review)
[7] Preparation and characterization of self-spalling hydrogen permeation glassy barrier for titanium alloys. (J. TaoZ.D. Huang, et alsubmited)
[8] 陶杰, 黄镇东, 汪涛. 不锈钢用阻氢或氢同位素渗透玻璃质壁垒层及其制备方法[P]. 中国专利, CN101215709, 2007.
南京航空航天大学材料学院陶杰课题组 版权所有 All Rights Reserved. Copyright@2010
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