       发布时间:2010/07/04 08:52:41
2013.8-至今: 新加坡南洋理工大学博士;
研究方向:Multi-scale modeling & simulation and mechanics of braided composites
研究课题:Preparation and Properties of α-Al2O3 Thin Coatings by Plasma Discharge Techniques at Lower Temperature
2010-2012 Chief contributor of Project National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51071086)
[1]     C Wang, J Tao, YB Lin, et al., Characterization of Al2O3 Coatings Oxidized from Al with Different Proportion of Seed Crystals at a Lower Temperature[J]. Applied Surface Science. 2013, 283: 87-93.
[2]     C Wang, J Tao, YB Lin, Preparation and Characterization of Al2O3 Reinforced Fe-Al Composite Coatings by Double Cathodes Discharge Technique[J]. Surface Engineering, 2013, 29 (8): 572-579
[3]     C Wang, TF Chen, J Tao, Pure Al coatings prepared by arc-added glow plasma depositing technique and subsequence plasma oxidation[J]. Advanced Materials Research. 2013, 721: 342-345.
[4]     YB Lin, C Wang, J Tao, Induction Effect of α-Al2O3 Seeds on the formation of Alumina Coatings Prepared by Double Glow Plasma Technique[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology. (accepted)
[5]     XZ Guo, J Tao, WT Wang, HG Li, C Wang, Effects of the inner mould material on the aluminum-316L stainless steel explosive clad pipe[J]. Materials & Design 2013, 49: 116-122.
[6]     HJ Tao, ZG Bao, C Wang, J Tao, Effect of quenching temperature and medium on properties of TiO2 nanotube arrays in DSSC[J]. Materials & Design. (under review)
[7]     QS Tang, C Wang, M Li, Effect of Friction Condition on Seamless Reducer Cold Forming Process[J].Forging and Sramping Technology, 36(2011)6,174-176.
[8]     QS Tang, C Wang, HG Li,et al., High Inner Pressure Hydroforming Simulation and Experiment on Al 5083 T-shape[J]. Forging and Stamping Technology, 37(2012)1, 92-98.
Academic Awards:
1.       2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2009-2010 ‘University Scholarship’ for excellent students
2.       2007-2008 Merit Student
3.       2007-2008 Top 100 Youths on Campus of the Year
4.       2010-2011 Merit Graduated Student
5.       2010-2011, 2011-2012 ‘University Scholarship’ for excellent graduated students, covering all the tuitions
6.       2012 Outstanding Individual of Academic Researcher of University
7.       2013 Outstanding Graduate Student
Other Awards:
1.       2006-2007 Champion of NUAAFA Football League
2.       2007 Outstanding Individual Volunteer of Social Practice
3.       2007-2008 the Third Class Prize in English Speech Contest of Seven Universities in Nanjing
4.       2007-2008, 2009-2010, 2010-2011 Outstanding Student Cadres
5.       2008-2009, 2010-2011 Outstanding Party Member
6.       2009-2010 the Best Referee of the Season 2009-2010 in the Football League of University
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