       发布时间:2010/05/09 12:41:35


先后主持了国家自然科学青年基金、江苏省自然科学青年基金、博士后创新人才支持计划项目、中国博士后科学基金面上一等资助等;参与国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)、国家自然科学基金重点项目、装备预研项目等,在材料工程及应用物理等等领域已发表40余篇高水平SCI论文,他引400余次,获邀在国际顶级期刊Progress in Materials ScienceIF=31.140)撰写长文综述;申请7项国家发明专利,授权2项;参与7次国际学术会议(1次全费特邀、1次担任分会场主席);获江苏省科协优秀学术交流论文二等奖、美国GE通用公司科技创新奖等。E-mailshenyizhou@nuaa.edu.cn






  Shen Yizhou, Tao Jie, Chen Zhong, Zhu Chunling, Wang Guanyu, Chen Haifeng, Liu Senyun. Rational design of the nanostructure features on superhydrophobic surfaces for enhanced dynamic water repellency. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6: 9958-9965.

  Shen Yizhou, Tao Jie, Wang Guanyu, Zhu Chunling, Chen Haifeng, Jin Mingming, Xie Yuehan. Bioinspired fabrication of hierarchical-structured duperhydrophobic surfaces to understand droplet bouncing dynamics for enhancing water repellency. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 122: 7312-7320.

  Shen Yizhou, Wang Guanyu, Tao Jie, Zhu Chunling, Liu Senyun, Jin Mingming, Xie Yuehan, Chen Zhong. Anti-icing performance of superhydrophobic texture surfaces depending on reference environments. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2017, 4: 1700836.

  Shen Yizhou, Liu Senyun, Zhu Chunling, Tao Jie, Chen Zhong, Tao Haijun, Pan Lei, Wang Guanyu, Wang Tao. Bouncing dynamics of impact droplets on the convex superhydrophobic surfaces. Applied Physics Letters, 2017, 110: 221601.

  Shen Yizhou, Liu Senyun, Zhu Chunling, Tao Jie, Wang Guanyu. Facile fabrication of hierarchical structured superhydrophobic surface and its ultra dynamic water repellency. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 313: 47-55.

  Shen Yizhou, Tao Jie, Tao Haijun, Chen Shanlong, Pan Lei. Response to “Comment on ‘Approaching the theoretical contact time of a bouncing droplet on the rational macrostructured superhydrophobic surfaces'” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 016101 (2016)]. Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 108: 016102.

  Shen Yizhou, Tao Jie, Tao Haijun, Chen Shanlong, Pan Lei, Wang Tao. Anti-icing potential of superhydrophobic Ti6Al4V surfaces: ice nucleation and growth. Langmuir, 2015, 31: 10799-10806.

  Shen Yizhou, Tao Jie, Tao Haijun, Chen Shanlong, Pan Lei, Wang Tao. Approaching the theoretical contact time of a bouncing droplet on the rational macrostructured superhydrophobic surfaces. Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 107: 111604.

  Shen Yizhou, Tao Jie, Tao Haijun, Chen Shanlong, Pan Lei, Wang Tao. Relationship between wetting hysteresis and contact time of a bouncing droplet on hydrophobic surfaces. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2015, 7: 20972-20978.

  Shen Yizhou, Tao Jie, Tao Haijun, Chen Shanlong, Pan Lei, Wang Tao. Nanostructures in superhydrophobic Ti6Al4V hierarchical surfaces control wetting state transitions. Soft Matter, 2015, 11: 3806-3811.

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